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Beginning a second career

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A second job is a career which combines income and personal meaning with greater social impact. A new report by Civic Ventures, a San Francisco-based thinktank and MetLife Foundation shows that 8.4 Million Americans are already interested in this type. Nearly half of Americans employed are interested to change careers.

Consider a second career

Starting a second career is a great way to change careers and broaden your horizons. However, you need to be aware of the risks and economic benefits involved. You might consider switching careers if you are young and working full-time. This will allow you to make more money while still young.

It's crucial to find a second income stream that covers your living expenses. You don't have to make a huge salary to transition, but it is a good idea. You might consider switching careers to a more lucrative field with a predictable salary.

school counseling salary

Start a second career

Finding out your dream job is the first step to starting a new career. For a taste of the work, volunteer at a local nonprofit. You can also call people in your field and ask them questions about their work. The more you know, the more likely it is that you will succeed in your new position.

You can also take a Birkman Method assessment to determine which professions would best suit your personality and interests. This will help you determine the type of environment and skills you are most comfortable working in. You can then create a plan to develop these skills.

Steps to making a successful transition to a second career

The first step to making a transition to a new job is to find your passion. It is important to identify your passions so you can determine if you are a good fit for a second career. Personal trainers are a great choice if you like working out and have coaching experience.

Take time to assess all of your options. Do a few aptitude assessments or talk with a career advisor to make sure you're ready for the job. It is also important to meet people in your field.

example of career goals

Second career potential

A job that allows you to make more money is a good choice if you're looking to change careers. Certain second careers require additional training, certifications, experience, or both. Before making any investments, make sure you carefully consider the earning potential of each position. You may find that it's not as lucrative as you thought.

Regardless of the earning potential, a second career can present a unique set of risks and opportunities. You may be tempted to take on too much risk in the beginning stages. You can be more adventurous if you are nearing retirement. In either case, be sure to consider your savings, how much time you'll have in your career, and how much stability you need.


Beginning a second career